St Ann's CE Primary


Year Three: kingfisher

 Year 3 Curriculum Map 

Class SWAY

Take a look at our class sway to see what we've been up to [link below]:

Knowledge Organisers 

Knowledge Organisers contain key facts and information that the children need to have as basic knowledge and understanding of the topic – giving them the ‘bigger picture’ of what they will be learning at school. 




Purple Mash

Please click on the picture below to access the Purple Mash website. Please ask your child's teacher if you are unsure of the log in details.











Home Reading Record

Please click on the links below to access different online stories that children can read or listen to. Most of them do not require you to sign up. Enjoy! 

Oxford Owl

Book Trust

Story Online 

Magic Key Story Books

Audible Stories


Physical Activities 

Keeping active is really important. Please try and do some physical activity everyday for 30 minutes. 

Joe Wicks PE Lesson

5 a day




Practise your times tables and win coins for you and your class with Times Tables Rockstars!

Click here to go to the Times Tables Rockstars website.

Times Table Rockstars Parent Guide


Educational Visits 

Tate Britain