School Improvement
St Ann's is a continually improving school and our ambition is for it to be a place where children thrive and love learning.
Our current school improvement priorities are as follows:
Quality of Education
- Ensure quality of education is of a consistently high standard: (a) continue to refine phonics and early reading provision & (b) enhance the teaching of mathematics to ensure that all learners can use mathematical knowledge, concepts and procedures appropriate to their next step needs, with planned opportunities to reason and apply; including all learners in the early years securing their knowledge of number.
- Teaching ensures all learners can apply grammatical knowledge to writing across the curriculum; improving fluency, structure and flow; as well as an improvement in letter formation and handwriting
- Build on existing strong early years provision to ensure that more children interact with increasing and sustained concentration, enabling more children to achieve a good level of development
Behaviour and Attitudes
- Attendance: every second counts, every day in school makes a difference
- Building resilience and self regulation
Personal Development
- Refine and further develop strategies to support pupils in managing and self-regulating emotions; with a particular focus on pupil autonomy and empowerment
Leadership and Management
School Vision: raising aspiration and promoting further improvement
- Coaching and other professional development is deployed by leaders to ensure teaching is consistently good and better and is adapted to ensure all pupils secure knowledge and are challenged and extended
- Develop the role of subject and year group leaders, to ensure high quality provision of a progressive and sequenced curriculum in all subjects; and that agreed pedagogical expectations are embedded. The main focus for curriculum evolution (review & refine), this year: Art, DT, PE, Computing