St Ann's CE Primary

Medical Needs

The health and safety of pupils is our first priority and as such we place high importance and value on our provision for pupils' medical needs. All support staff and office staff are first aid trained. The following outlines some key aspects of our policies and procedures related to medical needs.


  • No ‘over the counter’ (non-prescribed) medication can be brought to school or administered by staff
  • Prescribed medicines can only be administered if (a) the doses cannot be administered at home and (b) a Medication Consent Form has been completed
  • Any ongoing medical need that requires attention or monitoring at school must be brought to the attention of the Inclusion Manager and a Care Plan completed. Please note that it is parent’s responsibility to ensure that the Care Plan is kept up to date.

Accidents, Injuries & Illness

  • All injuries or illness brought to the attention of first aiders are recorded in the Accident Book
  • If a mark is seen by a first aider after an accident or if in their opinion the injury needs further monitoring an Accident Notification Form will be sent home.
  • After any reported head injury and Head Injury Notification Form will be sent home.
  • If a head injury results in a mark, dizziness and/or continued discomforted parents/carers will receive a telephone call.
  • If injury or illness is more serious (i.e., requiring the attention of a doctor or nurse) parents will be contacted immediately.
  • If injury or illness requires urgent medical attention an ambulance will be called, and a member of staff will accompany a child to hospital. Parents will be contacted immediately.
  • If a child refuses any treatment or care parents will be notified immediately